Hi There! Thanks for visiting my new blog and website. I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. I always loved fixing up furniture and making my home have a rustic and inviting vibe. As I began to jump into the carpenter field, I've learned that this job isn't so easy. I thought you just slap some paint on a dresser and call it good! WRONG! It takes patience and a lot of hard work. There is more to refurbishing a piece of furniture than just paint. There is sanding, stripping, cleaning, and repairing. Your hands become dry and dirty. Although the end result is rewarding and a beautiful piece of furniture to cherish for a lifetime.
I learned that you must have a creative mind. It can take hours or even days to figure out what I want to do with a certain piece of furniture. I have to first decide if the piece can be sanded down and stained or should it be painted. It depends on the type of wood and if its in good shape. I try to stay away from pressed woods and particle board due to it can not withstand the sanding nor staying together while refurbishing the piece. I have learned to make sure the piece of furniture is strong and real hard wood.
I love creating new and improved things. Every time I start a new project I learn new techniques to make a stunning piece of furniture. Like everyone else, I search on google and watch you tube videos. I also want to share with you my end results on all my projects. I will explain what I did and what colors I used. I hope I can help others and give advice to many that want to start refurbishing furniture. I am not a professional nor do I want to be. I refurbish furniture on my spare time, as I work full time. I always welcome comments and advice on ways to refurbish furniture.